
Average score 341 Reviews
Julien Gil noted on Google

1 year ago
Xavier Garcia noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Great place just a desire to taste a lot of something else (Original) Super endroit juste une envie pour goûter plein d autre chose

1 year ago
Garance noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very cute little restaurant, the decor is superb. The chef's grilled chicken and stir-fried noodles with prawns were delicious. I recommend, moreover the staff are very nice (Original) Petit restaurant très mignon, la déco est superbe. Le poulet grillé du chef et les nouilles sauté aux crevettes étaient délicieuses. Je recommande, de plus le personnel êtes très gentil

1 year ago
le saiyan noted on Google

1 year ago
Guang Yi Hong noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The quality is good, the taste is good👍 the price is reasonable, the service is thoughtful and meticulous, (Original) 品质优良,口感不错👍价格合理,服务周到细致,

1 year ago
Nina Batie noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Always good and super practical click and collect service (Original) Tjr aussi bon et service click and collect super pratique

1 year ago
Gaelle S noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Customer 10 years ago, for my return to the sector it was obvious that I was going to come back to introduce my children to it. The quality has not changed, the portions are generous for a really affordable price. Thanks! (Original) Cliente il y a 10 ans, pour mon retour dans le secteur c'était une évidence que j'allais revenir pour le faire découvrir à mes enfants. La qualité n'a pas changé, les portions sont copieuses pour un prix vraiment abordable. Merci!

1 year ago
Thibaud Pramayon noted on Google

1 year ago
Coccinelle 42 noted on Google

1 year ago
Sandra Barry noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very warm welcome, excellent cuisine. Wonderful evening. (Original) Très bon accueil, cuisine excellente. Très belle soirée.

1 year ago

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42400 Saint-chamond, France

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